l Shen Mai Oral Liquid
Specification: 10ml per bottle, 9 bottles per box.
Functions and indications: Boosting qi, nourishing yin and engendering pulse. It is suitable for qi deficiency and weak pulse, asthma with cough due to lung deficiency, deficiency-consumption and vexing heat, diabetes, and yin damage caused by febrile diseases, dry throat, dry mouth, and constipation.
Usage and dosage: Take 1 to 2 bottles orally each time, 3 times a day.
l Yinting Qingfei Oral Liquid
Specification: 10ml per bottle, 9 bottles per box.
Functions and indications: Diffusing lung and clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving asthma. It is suitable for lung heat induced cough and asthma, yellow sputum, fever, dry throat, etc.
Usage and dosage: Take 1 to 2 bottles orally each time, 3 times a day. Reduce dosage for children.
l Haoqin Huashi Oral Liquid
Specification: 10ml per bottle, 9 bottles per box.
Functions and indications: Clearing heat and removing dampness, diffusing lung and relieving asthma. It is suitable for fever, sore throat, cough, asthma, thick and greasy tongue coating, and scanty yellow urine caused by the internal accumulation of damp-heat, and the failure of lung to diffuse and govern descent; and it is also used for pneumonia with above symptoms.
Usage and dosage: Take 10ml orally each time, 3 times a day. Reduce dosage for children.
l Qingqiao Kangdu Granules
Specification: 15g per bag, 9 bags per package.
Functions and indications: Clearing heat and removing toxins, releasing the exterior and abating fever. It is suitable for virus infections such as upper respiratory tract infection, flu, mumps, and viral hepatitis, which pertain to the early stage of warm diseases and the upward attack of wind-heat, and manifest as fever, aversion to cold, sore throat, headache, red tongue, and thin yellow coating.
Usage and dosage: Take one bag of granule with warm boiled water, three times a day.
l Fufang Yinchai Granules
Specification: 15g per bag, 9 bags per package.
Functions and indications: Clearing heat and detoxifying, scattering wind and releasing the exterior. It is suitable for externally-contracted diseases, acute bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc. which pertain to the wind-heat syndrome and manifest as fever, aversion to cold, dry throat and cough.
Usage and dosage: Take one bag of granule with warm boiled water, three times a day.
l Fufang Kesou Syrup
Specification: 100ml per bottle.
Functions and indications: Scattering wind and releasing the exterior, relieving cough and dissolving phlegm. It is suitable for cough due to externally-contracted diseases or bronchitis, which is accompanied by itchy throat, or mild aversion to cold, fever, and unfavorable expectoration.
Usage and dosage: Take 10 to 30ml orally each time, 3 times a day. Reduce dosage for children.
l Qinggan Ningxian Tablets
Specification: 0.3g per tablet, 100 tablets per bottle.
Functions and indications: Clearing heat and cooling blood, extinguishing wind and suppressing fright. It is suitable for epilepsy in heat syndrome and children with high fever and convulsion.
Usage and dosage: Oral. Take 10 tablets each time for adults. Take 6 tablets for children at age of 10-16, and reduce the dosage for children under 10 years old. Three times a day, after meals or as directed by the doctor.
l Tong Feng Ning Oral Liquid
Specification: 10ml per bottle, 9 bottles per box.
Functions and indications: Moving qi to relieve pain, draining dampness and reducing swelling. It is suitable for gout, acute and chronic gouty arthritis.
Usage and dosage: Take 1 to 2 bottles orally each time, twice or 3 times a day, or as directed by the doctor.
l Xiao Ning Oral Liquid
Specification: 10ml per bottle, 9 bottles per box.
Functions and indications: Releasing the exterior and dissolving fluid retention, dispelling phlegm and relieving asthma. It is suitable for bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis, wheezing bronchitis, etc. with symptoms such as cough, wheezing, excessive phlegm, chest oppression, and aversion to cold.
Usage and dosage: Oral. Take 3 to 5ml for children under 3 years old, and 5 to 10ml for 3 to 5 years old. Take 10 to 20ml each time for adults. Three or four times a day.
l Dan Yi Ning Mixture
Specification: 100ml per bottle.
Functions and indications: Clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting gallbladder and relieving pain. It is suitable for acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, biliary tract infections, liver and gallbladder stones, acute icteric hepatitis, capillary hepatitis, etc. The symptoms include abdominal distension, abdominal pain, constipation and thick yellow tongue coating.
Usage and dosage: Take 20 to 30ml orally each time, 3 times a day.
Registered/License No.: Shu ICP Bei 2020027602-2
Hospital address: No. 39, Shiergiao Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China
Postal code: 610075
Registration consultation hotline: 028-87783481
(8:00 am to 12:00 pm on weekdays, 14:00 to 17:30 pm)