In 2007, the Department of Infectious Disease (TCM Hepatology) was founded and authorized to award master's and doctor's degree. In 2009, TCM Hepatology was approved a national key discipline. In 2012, it was approved as Sichuan Hepatopathy TCM Prevention and Treatment Center. Among our medical team, senior title accounts for 44.8%, intermediate title 34.5% and junior title 13.8%. Doctors with postdoctoral degree accounts for 2%, doctoral degree 17.2%, master’s degree 37.9%, and undergraduate 37.9%.
Dominant diseases
We adopt integrative medicine for the main dominant diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and middle and late stage liver cancer, which has created survival opportunities for a large number of patients with late stage liver cancer.
We are quite experienced in TCM diagnosis and treatment of severe hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, septic shock, tetanus, refractory tuberculosis, fever of unknown origin, and hepatobiliary surgical diseases.
We adopt integrative medicine for a wide range of diseases, from hepatogenic diabetes, hepatitis B related nephropathy, autoimmune liver disease, liver cancer to diabetes and its complications, nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and other tumors.
Characteristic therapy
We have carried out TCM rectal drip, acupoint injection, external treatment for severe hepatitis. Artificial liver has been adopted for severe hepatitis while radiofrequency ablation and interventional therapy are adopted for liver cancer. The therapeutic pattern of "radiofrequency ablation, vascular intervention for advanced liver cancer" and "TCM plus artificial liver for severe hepatitis" has been formed. Significant advantage has been shown in diagnosis and treatment of severe hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer by integrative medicine.
Scientific research
In recent years, we have been granted 42 scientific research projects of all level, with a funding of more than 30 million yuan.
Among them, we are responsible for 8 NSFC projects, 2 national major special projects of 11th Five Year Plan, 2 national science and technology support projects of 11th Five Year Plan. More than 300 papers, more than 10 monographs and textbooks have been published. And we have won 11 science and technology progress awards of all level.
We have 1 first prize, 2 second prize of Sichuan Science and Technology Progress Award, 6 patents, and 3 hospital preparations have been made. One transferred new drug certificate was obtained. 218 academic papers (including 21 SCI papers) have been published in core periodicals both home and abroad.
Registered/License No.: Shu ICP Bei 2020027602-2
Hospital address: No. 39, Shiergiao Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China
Postal code: 610075
Registration consultation hotline: 028-87783481
(8:00 am to 12:00 pm on weekdays, 14:00 to 17:30 pm)