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Gynecological- obstetrical Rehabilitation Center

Brief Introduction

The International Ward and Maternity Rehabilitation Center forms a professional alliance with West China Women's and Children's Hospital and introduces world advanced technology to carry out unique TCM characteristic treatment. Patients can enjoy the world's leading diagnosis and treatment technology, as well as the TCM characteristics internal and external treatment. Following the belief of "overall management for patient", we make management plan for the whole process according to different stages such as pre-operation, after operation, pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post-natal, before and after chemotherapy of malignant tumor.

We give full play to the advantages of TCM characteristic treatment as well as perform surgeries such as single port laparoscopy or porous laparoscopic and hysteroscopy surgery, pelvic floor and negative surgery to treat uterine progressions, vaginal wall puffing and urinary incontinence. We adopt TCM external treatments and non-drug therapies for menstrual disorders, infertility, pelvic floor dysfunctional diseases.

Our Orthopaedics Section invites French orthopaedic specialists to perform minimally invading joint surgery for joint injuries such as shoulder, elbow, wrist and knee. We evaluate postoperative status and give special TCM treatment such as individualized physical treatment, external treatment to promote patient's recovery according to the different types of surgery.

Featured preparations

We make hospital preparations such as Shengguiren Mixture for postpartum depression, Yangchao Paste for ovarian function decline, Gengnian Anshen Paste for menopausal syndrome, Shenghua Fugong Paste for postpartum conditions; among which Shengguiren Mixture won the third prize of Science and Technology Progress of Sichuan province.

(Comfortable wards)

(Ward round conducted by Director Prof. Xie Ping)


Characteristic TCM Treatment

1. TCM decoction: The method of regulating menstrual cycle is suitable for menstrual disorder, and the conservative treatment of eliminating concretions and expelling the embryo is for ectopic pregnancy. Additionally, other TCM treatments are adopted for threatened abortion, recurrent abortion, hyperemesis gravidarum, postpartum diseases (sweating, hypogalactia, pain, etc.), bone and joint diseases, etc.

2. Traditional Paste Formulation: We develop YangChao Paste, Peimo Yupao Paste, Shenghua Fugong Paste and Gengnian Anshen Paste for treating ovarian dysfunction, infertility, uterine involution, and symptoms during the menopause.

(Gynecologic Paste Formulations)

(Prepared paste)

3. Acupuncture and thumb-tack needle: For irregular menstruation, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovulation disorders, dysmenorrhea, cancer pain, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis and other bone and joint diseases



4. Tuina: For perinatal waist pain, edema during pregnancy, rectus abdominis separation, organ prolapse, pubic symphysis separation, lymphedema after tumor operation, bone and joint dysfunction, etc

5. TCM Enema and Hot Compress: For pelvic inflammatory diseases, blocked fallopian tube, hydrosalpinx, infertility, endometriosis, etc. it is used to improve pelvic inflammation and relieve pain.

(TCM hot compress)

6. Acupoint Application and Ear Acupoint Application: Used after surgery and chemotherapy to reduce gastrointestinal side effects and improve sleep.

7. Moxibustion (including garlic moxibustion, fire-dragon moxibustion): For fatigue and myelosuppression after chemotherapy. It is used to improve patient's immunity, sleep, etc.

(Fire-dragon moxibustion)

(Garlic moxibustion)

8. Music Therapy Based on Five Element Theory: For fetal protection, preoperative tension, postoperative pain, etc. It is used to relax the patient, relieve the pressure, and improve appetite, sleep, etc based on the emotional therapy.  

Registered/License No.: Shu ICP Bei 2020027602-2

Hospital address: No. 39, Shiergiao Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China

Postal code: 610075

Registration consultation hotline: 028-87783481

(8:00 am to 12:00 pm on weekdays, 14:00 to 17:30 pm)

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