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Department of Gynecology

Tongmai Dasheng Tablets

Specification: 0.3g per tablet, 100 tablets per bottle.

Functions and indications: Tonifying the kidney and supplementing essence, nourishing blood and regulating menstruation. It is suitable for infertility, irregular menstruation, and amenorrhea abdominal pain, scanty menstruation and other symptoms caused by the deficiency of Chong and Ren meridians.

Usage and dosage: Take 4 to 6 tablets orally each time, 3 times a day.

Yinjia Tablets

Specification: 0.3g per tablet, 100 tablets per bottle.

Functions and indications: Clearing heat and drying dampness, invigorating blood and reducing swelling. It is suitable for reddish leucorrhea, pelvic inflammation, nephritis and nephropyelitis caused by dampness-heat pouring downward.

Usage and dosage: Take 3 to 5 tablets orally each time, 3 times a day.

Neiyi Kangfu Tablets

Specification: 0.3g per tablet, 100 tablets per bottle.

Functions and indications: Detoxification and dehumidification, resolving blood stasis and relieving pain, eliminating lumps and dissipating masses. It is suitable for endometriosis, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids caused by dampness-heat blockage and blood stasis accumulation, which are manifested as pelvic lumps and pain, irregular menstruation and infertility.

Usage and dosage: Take 4 to 6 tablets orally each time, 3 times a day.

Buyi Tiaojing Mixture

Specification: 100ml per bottle.

Functions and indications: Tonifying kidney and supplementing essence, boosting qi and nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and assisting pregnancy. It is suitable for kidney deficiency and blood insufficiency with symptoms such as delayed menstrual cycle, hypomenorrhea, or amenorrhea, infertility, etc.

Usage and dosage: Take 20ml orally each time, 3 times a day.

Shen Gui Ren Mixture

Specification: 100ml per bottle.

Functions and indications: Supplementing qi and nourishing blood, calming the heart and boosting the spirit. It is suitable for dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, faintness, anxiety, and diminished sexual desire caused by qi and blood deficiency, and unsmooth movement of blood.

Usage and dosage: Take 10 to 20ml orally each time, 2 to 3 times a day.

Gynecological Enema

Specification: 100ml per bottle.

Functions and indications: Clearing heat, detoxifying and removing dampness, moving qi, invigorating blood and relieving pain, eliminating lumps and dissipating masses. It is suitable for acute and chronic pelvic inflammation (pelvic inflammatory lumps), endometriosis, and old ectopic pregnancy caused by dampness-heat pouring downward and blood stasis accumulation.

Usage and dosage: Anal injection or instillation. Take 100150ml each time, once a day.

Baihuang Kushen Lotion

Specification: 100ml per bottle.

Functions and indications: Clearing heat and eliminating dampness, relieving itching, and reducing leucorrhea. It is suitable for mycotic vaginitis, trichomonas vaginitis, and bacterial vaginitis caused by dampness-heat pouring downward with symptoms including vulvar itching, increased smelly yellowish leucorrhea.

Usage and dosage: External application. Take an appropriate amount of the lotion, dilute with warm boiled water for 10 to 20 times, and then wash the vulva, rinsing the vagina, or taking a hip bath once or twice a day. Or as directed by the doctor.

Fu An Ning Suppository

Specification: 2.1g per suppository, 9 suppositories in each bag.

Functions and indications: Clearing damp-heat, invigorating blood and dispelling stagnation. It is suitable for pelvic inflammation and endometriosis due to dampness-heat in lower-jiao, and qi stagnation and blood stasis.

Usage and dosage: Put one suppository into the rectum each time, twice a day.

Registered/License No.: Shu ICP Bei 2020027602-2

Hospital address: No. 39, Shiergiao Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China

Postal code: 610075

Registration consultation hotline: 028-87783481

(8:00 am to 12:00 pm on weekdays, 14:00 to 17:30 pm)

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